Before i procced that Hercor College i intruduced him self,First I'm Analie Villaraiz,18 year's old,from Cagay Roxas City,I was born in Panitan Cabugao Capis,on December 01 1992.
When i first enter Hercor College as a college student,I never regret that i become as one of the student of Hercor college ,and we all know that hercor college is one of the famous great colleges when it comes to high productive teaching of the teachers and they are improving the ability and skills of their dear students.And interms of facilities they also leveled in a high class.Hercor College teaching me how to develop my talent,knowledge and skills and give me inspiration to strive my goals and teach me how to be respected people and friendly.
Hercor college is my fovorite school when i was in High school because of their nice uniform and less tuition that anybody can afford but Hercor College is alway's "The best for Less makapa-abroud pa"...



Before i procced that Hercoe college i intruduced him self,First I'm Analie Villaraiz,18 year's old from Cagay Roxas City,I was born in Panitan Cabugao Capis,on December 01 1992.

Its mE............Analie Villaraiz

                    First I'm Analie Villaraiz,18 years old,from Cagay Roxas City,I was born in Cabugao Panitan Capiz.And i take  the course of  Bachelor Computer Science Ladderized in school of  Hercor     College.Computer science course is not easy from me,but i well do my best to finish this course,because i know this is not a hindrance for m,it God's created to challenge us,so that i can achieve my goal in my life.
                   I am one of the student who wants to finish their studies.But sometimes life of  a student is not easy,because even you are tired of something what you make,you need to study your lesson to got higher grade.And make your self as independent.But it's more difficult in you have a financial problem.You can't afford to try something for your school.But i know all of that is only trial and every trials comes into your life has a solution.You need to trust yourself,to be strong and trust also in our god...Trials make you strong to succed and someday if you finish your study,you can have a good job.But its not so easy it you got if trials is our partner in life  but you can fight it and you'll see how difference you have now than before.I am the one who wants to finish .